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Shanghai JOY gingko vegetable protein drink had been successfully commissioning ready recently, which is the first two-piece CAN protein drink production line in China.

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       Through gradually strive forward and development, We Shanghai Joy Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd had already done many vegetable protein drinks production line until now, which makes us acquire mature technology and skillful experience in such vegetable protein field. We would like to strive our effort in the future development of vegetable protein field.


      Jiangsu Gangcheng herbal healthy Co., Ltd., specialized in researching, producing and selling herbal healthy drinks, which is the leading agriculture enterprise in Taizhou, Jiangsu Province, China.

“Xing Run” gingko drink had been successfully created by Jiangsu Gangcheng Herbal Healthy and Jiangnan University, which people could drink in large volume. Xing Run product contains plenty of vegetable protein, which suit for Chinese constitution and dietary habit.

“Xing Run” production line absorbed both domestic and abroad advanced process technology, it is the first two-piece CAN gingko vegetable protein drink production line in China.


 We Shanghai Joy Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd. was honored to undertake the pre-treating line project for Jiangsu Gangcheng Herbal Healthy Co., Ltd. The production line had already finished commissioning and now in normal production, our customer feel very satisfy with the job which we’ve been done for them.

    With continuous improvement of process flow, strict quality requirement, comprehensive services, we Shanghai JOY not pursue the best, but constantly pursue better than before. Only continuous development and improvement is the best assurance of our client.

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