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May Day ●Labor is the most glorious

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In order to create a clean working environment, improve the company's image, and make environmental management long-term, standardized and standardized, Tofflon Joy recently held a meeting on "environmental sanitation control ", which requires all departments to actively carry out the work of environmental sanitation control






6S management is the upgrade of 5S, which means Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke and safety. In order to ensure the normal production order of the workshop, ensure the smooth progress of production, and continuously create a good working environment, Tofflon Joy implements the 6S management system of the production workshop. 





    May 1st is the Workers' Festival. Each team of the workshop actively responded to the 6S management requirements, carried out the environmental sanitation control, and comprehensively clean the workshop floor, machinery, supplies and appliances and other areas, so as to make the workshop production look new and present different labor beauty! After a period of renovation and operation, the workshop environment has been significantly improved. Tofflon Joy will also continue to strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the environment to form a standardized workshop management.






        Labor is the source of all joy and all good things in the world.The laborer's hard work in any form deserves to be determined and respected.

       Salute the laborer, and wish you a happy May Day!



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