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Exhibition Introduction of CBB 2020

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The 14th International Brew & Beverage Processing Technology

and Equipment Exhibition for China(CBB 2020)


About Us


Speciality   Comprehensive food equipment and engineering services

Mission   Expertise in Food Industry

Target   Build a modern and intelligent food factory with pharmaceutical concept and standard,

to promote the development of great health


Exhibition Hightlight



Mutifunctional pipe-in-pipe sterilizer

    Adopt pipe-in-pine circulation structure, with steam, hot water and cold water as heat exchange medium, and can be used for continuous sterilization of materials with high solid content and high viscosity, and large particle content (≤ 70%), such as fruit and vegetable clear juice, puree, concentrated juice, fruit jam, honey, syrup, popping boba, pulp, fruit grain, etc.



Aseptic large bag filling machine

    The aseptic large bag filling system integrated pre-sterilization, filling and cleaning, and can realize filling with various capacities of 5-220kg. According to customer needs, it can be designed as multiple filling heads or ton bags/ ton boxes and other filling forms, which can fill different capacity packaging containers at the same time, and is compatible with BIB packaging. It is suitable for aseptic filling of various products suah as fruit and vegetable juice, puree, fruit particles, jam, herbal tea, dairy products, etc.



Aseptic tank system

    Aseptic tank system is mainly composed of tank body, valve group, CIP system and PLC system, is made of  high quality SUS 304 with jacket structure, the max working pressure is 0.3 MPa, vacuun resistance. It is applied in aseptic production line, is a buffer tank and storage tank to receive all UHT sterilization liquid aseptic products.


Project Case


























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Shanghai Joy Light Industry Machinery Co., Ltd


Add:No. 1377, Huhang Road, Fengxian District, Shanghai 





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Hotline: 021-57435033
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TEL: +86 021 57435033 Fax: +86 021 5743 2999

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