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Product Catagories
Home > Product Catagories > Various dairy product processing equipment

Yogurt Pasteurizer (Four sections)

This machine is specially designed for yogurt production.

The technical parameters are as following: inlet at 5℃→65℃(homogenize) →pasteurize at 90~95℃(holding for 300S)→ outlet at 43℃.This system adopts 90~95℃,holding for 5 minutes procedure, which ensure to realize most suitable pasteurize efficiency, and most part whey protein degeneration and combined with water, thus to produce stable, good taste high quality yogurt, it is the best choice of yogurt production line workshop. 


Application Fields:

It is applicable for making yogurt product in dairy production line factory. 

Equipment characteristics Technical parameters

This system use PGB type temperature holding tank to keep warm for the holding tubes. Structure of the holding tank: adopts high quality SUS304 stainless steel material coil pipe as insulating pipe, outer cladding use SUS304-2B plate, with beautiful appearance; and use silicate fill in the middle, which have good insulation performance. 


Process capacity

Heat exchanging area(m2)


 Steam consumption (kg/h)


GW (kg)


 0.5 t/h







 1 t/h







 1.5 t/h







 2 t/h







 3 t/h







 5 t/h







 10 t/h









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